IAN Moore is warning Wolves he is now fully fit and raring to go.

The Clarets striker has been playing catch-up with his Burnley team mates after missing two-weeks of pre-season training with an ankle injury.

But after capping his best display so far with the winning goal at Watford last weekend, Moore believes he is now nearing the peak of his powers in time for the clash with Wanderers.

"With the system we are playing at the moment, it's important that Graham Branch and myself get up and support Robbie Blake," he explained.

"It's up to us to provide some ammunition for him, but you have to be fit to play that position.

"I've missed two weeks in pre-season, so hopefully now I am getting the fitness as the games go by and things are coming to fruition.

"I'm getting there, but I needed to get those first three games under my belt and I feel as if I'm probably 100 per cent now, whereas I was only maybe 80 and 90 in the first two."

Moore, who has played on the right side of midfield before, added: "It was more of a 4-5-1 system under the previous manager, Stan Ternent, whereas now it's 4-1-4-1.

"I was doing a lot more defending under Stan, but the new gaffer has given me licence to get more forward and it's come up trumps at Watford with us getting three points."