WHITEFIELD youngsters are encouraged to party in the park this Sunday (Aug 22) as guests of the local Homewatch scheme.

Thatch Leach Lane Homewatch will stage a family fun day in the park in Thatch Leach Lane from 10am to 4pm.

The event is supported by Whitefield and Unsworth Area Board and will feature a host of activities such as face painting, balloon modelling, puppet and magic shows, a bouncy castle and tombolas.

There will also be lots of sporting activities for young people, including football, tennis, netball and a demonstration by Sedgley Park Rugby Club Under 16s team, who will show off their tackling techniques in a friendly match.

Representatives from the Countryside Rangers will also be on hand to give advice, along with the police, fire service and trading standards.

The event will also get the official seal of approval from the Mayor and Mayoress of Bury, Councillors Barry and Sharon Briggs.

And there will be free personal attack alarms for the first 15 people who join the Homewatch scheme.

Coun Joan Grimshaw, chairman of the area board, said: "I'm really pleased we have been able to provide the funding and support for this event. The Homewatch is doing a grand job bringing local residents, police and the council together."