SOCIAL workers across the borough are being urged to sign up to the new national social care register.

This is one of the biggest shake-ups in the profession, aimed at improving standards and increasing public confidence.

After April next year it will be an offence for anyone to describe themselves as a social worker unless they are on the register.

Ms Eleni Ioannides, Bury Council's director for social services, health and housing, has asked senior colleagues to lead the way in submitting registration forms. The council has written to all of its 157 qualified social workers asking them to follow suit. Residential child care workers and care home managers will be next, then other types of social care workers.

Anyone registering will have to answer questions about their previous work, gaps in employment, qualifications and so on. The new system includes a screening process and identity checks.

Ms Ioannides said: "For the first time, the workforce will be regulated and this will go far towards driving up standards of care, improving public protection and building public confidence in this vital sector.

"This will raise the status and profile of social care, putting it on the same footing as other regulated professions, such as nursing and teaching. Increased status for the workforce will lead to improved recruitment, retention and morale."