THE good people of Bury have been "conned", "betrayed" and "deserted" by those who are supposed to be responsible for our well being.

"Conned" into the belief that when Bury General Hospital was closed and transferred to Fairfield, that we would have a superb facility with the very best health care available.

"Betrayed," first by the lack of provision of a decent access road and then by the continual rumours and denials of departments or wards under threat of closure or reduction in services.

"Deserted" by our civic leaders and health authorities by keeping quiet or even "gagged", as has been reported, over the proposed closure of the special care baby unit and all that entails. All our councillors and politicians of whatever political persuasion, race, creed or colour should be screaming protests from the rooftops, not pussy-footing around giving the "opposition" time to present their strongest arguments for closure. There can be no possible justification for this unacceptable closure.

If, as I believe, the whole matter is already cut and dried and the consultation exercise pointless, it will be too late to protest later. Keeping quiet now will achieve nothing.

Make no mistake, if this is allowed to go ahead it will not end there. There are forces in play to eventually close the whole hospital and no consideration is given to the local people, elderly, infirm and people without transport, with or without sick babies, having to travel great distances with all the attendant expense and inconvenience that would entail.

Our leader John Byrne, has no right to accuse councillors of irresponsible statements. He himself was exposed as irresponsible when he replied to a question at a meeting at St Bedes some time ago, when he was asked why the hospital was allowed to move before a suitable access had been resolved. He replied: "We thought we would move the hospital first and worry about the access later." If that isn't dangerously irresponsible, I would like to know what is.

This closure must not be allowed to happen and everyone who is in a position to do so should "fight to the death" to prevent it at all costs. Keeping quiet while the opposition strengthen their armoury is not the way to do it .


Danesmoor Drive,
