THERE is something liberating about watching theatre in the open air, despite the rain, writes Karen Spibey.

Gone are the comfy yet confining chairs, the polite "excuse me" as late-comers shuffle to their seats and the dignified applause in appreciation of a performance well-done.

With a walkabout production, or site-specific theatre as it is also known, the audience follows the action as actors perform various scenes in different locations.

The cast use their natural surroundings as a backdrop, in this case Heaton Park, and the audience is free to shout, heckle, join in and feel a part of the performance as they watch just inches from the actors.

This is no stuffy night out in the stalls, it is genuine "feel good" theatre that appeals to all ages.

Conveniently named, The Feelgood Theatre Productions are experts in this field and after several successful outdoor shows celebrate their 10th anniversary.

The Three Musketeers, based on the Alexander Dumas classic set in 17th Century France, is a fast-paced, swashbuckling tale of a young swordsman, D'Artagnan whose wish is to join the Musketeers.

He sets off to Paris to follow in his father's footsteps, only to discover the King's protectors have been disbanded by Cardinal Richelieu. Meanwhile, the Cardinal plots the King's downfall and does not hesitate to reveal the Queen's infidelity with the Duke of Buckingham.

The race is on to save the King, protect the Queen's name and enlist D'Artagnan in the Musketeers, all before it gets too dark to see and the rain soaks through to the skin.

There are excellent performances from all the cast, who have turned into expert horsemen and swordsmen for this production, and plenty of puns written into the script, which is adapted by Joe O'Byrne and Caroline Clegg.

After a bit of a faltering start, where the duration of initial scenes do not warrant the distance walked in between, The Three Musketeers gathers pace and excitement, building to a spectacular finale. The show, which is not suitable for under sevens and people frightened of horses, runs until August 30. Details on 0161 236 7110.