CHILDREN in Blackpool's Claremont ward could be getting a brand new gala next summer.

An organising team is already planning the new event, which could become a regular addition to the Fylde's gala calendar.

A fun day, which should have taken place on Claremont Park last Monday, was to be a 'dry run' for the gala. But atrocious downpours meant the park was anything but dry and the event was cancelled at the eleventh hour.

Fun day organiser and Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Andrea Morris said the storms had put paid to more than eight months' hard work.

Not only were members of army's King's Division, who provided an army aerial slide for the day, forced to evacuate with the help of Poulton hauliers, EVTS.

But the Queen's Lancashire Regiment, also en route with paintball equipment, faced no option but to return to Fulwood Barracks.

And local businesses, who had donated money, along with National Playday, which had sponsored fun day programmes, were also left disappointed by the cancellation.

Andrea said: "It was cancelled rather than postponed because we were working round the army.

"They had such a busy schedule this was the only date eight months ago that they could offer us."

"It's left people extremely disappointed. Children were coming up all the time and saying 'is it still on?' But hopefully there will be an event next year to look forward to."

Claremont councillor Ivan Taylor said the team of PCSOs, community groups and councillors wants to press ahead with gala plans despite the initial set-back.

Cllr Taylor said: "We want to have a full Claremont Gala next year. We have got another 12 months to prepare for it.

"Obviously we need a lot of volunteers from the area to help us out but I think it will go well. We have got a good community in Claremont and good community groups.

"There's a lot of interest in it so I am sure it can be done, and I am sure it will be a success - and it all helps to bring the community together.

No date has yet been set for the event but it believed the gala will be held each August.

Cllr Taylor also praised the hard work of organisers of Monday's doomed fun day in spite of the wash-out weather.

Cllr Taylor added: "That's a risk you take when you're organising something like this. It was bad luck. It must be very disappointing for them because they have put a huge amount of work in."

Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the gala should contact Claremont ward community development co-ordinator, Lynne Rowbottom, or colleague Kevin Egan, on 01253 476911.