CITIZEN'S pot-pourri by Steve Dunthorne, Thursday August 4, was an excellent presentation.

Particular attention being drawn to the National Front's withdrawal from the European: the reintroduction of national service and the death penalty.

I recollect the lady mayor in the past being very vociferous in her support for the death penalty. Gordon Marsden MP is surely mincing his words coming from Brighton I believe that the people of Blackpool will not find this abhorrent. The Citizen could easily put it to the test of their readers presuming they have the spunk to do so. I was an RAF volunteer on island in August 1945 when the bomb was dropped on all the people of Hiroshima who, at the time, were manufacturing arms for the Hara Kiri dive-bombers to give their lives for their holy emperor. I am apolitical and believe that the people of the world have an inalienable right to the world, the world has been made into an evil place particularly by politics and politicians.

C Thomas Elm Ave