IN reply to the letter signed "Anti-Ignorant Rant" (Letters, August 6), may I say that many people, like me, must be ignorant of what is really going on "behind the scenes" of quite a number of British institutions on the directive of the Government.

The recent BBC documentary about racism in the police was a deliberate attempt to justify further witch hunts against those who disagree with certain politically-correct concepts. Perhaps police trainees express themselves in such a crude way because they are denied the legitimate means of putting over their concerns. The person who posed as a police trainee was underhand and shamefully betrayed his colleagues.

As for the writer's point that all races can join the Association of Black and Asian Police Officers, why is its title not then changed to reflect this?

Also, it was recently announced that no-one belonging to right-wing political groups, such as the BNP, would be allowed to join the police force. What is this but a blatant example of discrimination?

According to the Daily Telegraph, the Metropolitan Police are in favour of promoting ethnic minorities ahead of officers from the indigenous population, in order to avoid being accused of racism. This may be deemed "positive discrimination" but, in my book, it is discrimination nonetheless.