CORRESPONDENT "Disgusted" (Letters, August 6) may have given a mistaken impression to readers regarding Warthfield Elderly Persons Home, which closed recently after many years of providing residential care.

I can well understand that many of the staff who worked there would feel saddened and disappointed to see the home closed. It certainly has provided a high standard of care and many staff members have given much of their working lives to looking after the older people of Bury. Many residents have benefited from that over the years, as have many families, and this social services department most certainly appreciates the hard work and dedication of those staff.

Every member of staff employed at Warthfield has been re-deployed to similar work in locations across Bury. No-one has lost their job. No-one has been required to take a job they did not want. I am quite certain that the exercise has been handled with sensitivity and consideration and not a single complaint has been received from staff members.

Of course things do change, and will continue to change. Older people in Bury will not want the same in the future that they wanted in the past.

Most people want to stay in their homes. That's why we have increased home care by 75 per cent in less than two years and that's why this newspaper reported recently that more than £1 million is being spent on Killelea House to make it a centre of excellence for rehabilitation and recovery. That is why this council has expanded its meals-on-wheels services and its equipment service. That is why carers' services have grown and developed.

"Disgusted" may not know this, but as I write this letter there are no fewer than 93 vacancies in care homes across Bury.

This council is retaining seven homes -- as many as much larger authorities maintain. It is investing and developing for the future and looking forward, not backwards.

Older people in Bury can be assured that the highest standards will be maintained in all services and that they will have a genuine choice and range of services to depend on for their future needs.

I am sure that staff members across the services -- whether public or private -- will continue to give of their best, as they have always done.


Older Persons Champion.