DESPITE her wealth, most people would, I feel, agree that the Queen is a hardworking lady who has done her best for the stability of Britain.

She does an important job and unlike other people she can't walk away from it.

In the early 1950s if I went to cinemas in Accrington, after the film they played 'God Save the Queen.' You stood up until the end of it.

I can't remember what year this stopped at the cinema and why? Maybe some of your readers can.

Most people stood up out of respect.

If an odd person tried to sneak out quickly other people would give them bad looks.

Most people were happy to stand up in respect to the Queen and country.

In modern Britain I was thinking why don't they bring it back and do it again?

It would give people the chance to show they are proud to be British. It will give everyone the chance to show respect for the Queen and country.

ADRIAN GRADY, Lemonius Street, Accrington.