THE British Heart Foundation (BHF) would like to invite readers to join them in their 3 Piers sponsored walk taking place in Blackpool on Sunday, September 12.

The four-mile circular route starts at noon on the North Pier, continues along the promenade, down Central Pier and along to South Pier, where those that dare can complete the 'Walk of Fear!'

The Deputy Mayor of Blackpool, Councillor Mrs Susan L Fowler, will be starting the walk and handing out a commemorative certificate to all those taking part.

In addition to incentive prizes for raising sponsorship, on the day, everyone will be put into a draw to win a pair of tickets to the Legends Show on Central Pier.

It's a fun day out suitable for all the family, with monies raised helping the British Heart Foundation continue their fight against heart and circulatory disease -- the biggest killer in the UK.

Any reader requiring a registration form or further details should ring me on 01254 878321.

CAROLE McCARTNEY, BHF Lancashire Area Organiser.