HYNDBURN'S dog warden is appealing for help to prosecute a gang of youths who locals say have been setting a dog on household pets for months.

Residents of Norfolk Grove, in Church, reported the sick teenagers to warden Steve Woods, after a cat owner watched her pet being ripped apart by a dog.

They also claim a pet dog became the latest victim just days ago.

Now a father with a young son has called for more to be done to stop the attacks.

Adam Edwards, 31, claims the public are not being given enough protection against the gang.

But today Steve Woods said prosecutions were hard to carry out unless people come forward with evidence, which they are often unwilling to do.

He said: "These people do think that things aren't happening. But a lot of things are happening in the background. We are not always able to let them know what is going on.

"We need people to come forward. At the moment I don't think the police have enough to get them into court.

"The prosecutors won't spend the public money if it's going to collapse before it gets to court."

In May June Tattersall, 49, of Norfolk Grove, watched as her pet cat was savaged in front of her by a dog. The police and dog warden investigated the attack, but warned it was very hard to prosecute anybody without a witness willing to stand up in court.

Mr Edwards said: "I am a concerned neighbour. We have a 19-month-old child that goes to Sure Start.

"If this dog is allowed to run free what are the chances of it attacking a child?"

But Steve Woods said: "Often when you go around for a statement people back off. If they're aren't willing to stand up they can expect these people to get away with it.

"This gang think they own that estate and they can do what they like with these dogs.

"They're now going around late at night. I've been told they're going around as late as 2am."

Anybody willing to help can call the RSPCA on a confidential line, 08705 555999.