TRADERS in parts of Rossendale have been criticised for not applying for funding to light up their towns during the festive season.

Crawshawbooth is the only village to benefit from extra cash this year thanks to its councillor securing money on the area's behalf.

Clive Balchin, who sits on the Christmas lights committee, said Coun Alyson Barnes was the only one to ask for the money.

And he said that despite a meeting being called to give representatives from Haslingden and Bacup the chance to appeal for funding, nobody turned up.

The Crawshawbooth fund has now been boosted by an extra £2,000 to help light up two trees in the centre of the village.

Mr Balchin, also president of Rawtenstall Chamber of Commerce, said: "We were being moaned at by people left, right, and centre, last Christmas because the lights in Rawtenstall looked so good.

"People from other areas were saying they should be given money to help light up their towns. But when it came to the crunch nobody, with the exception of Alyson, actually came forward. People can't just sit there and complain, they need to get up and do something about it."

The committee has a £20,000 fund, boosted by £5,000 following donations from local traders and the Chamber of Commerce. It costs the council £20,000 each year to put up the old lights throughout the Valley, with a further £5,000 set aside for new lights.

Stacksteads councillor Christine Lamb said: "I didn't know about the meeting. If I had done, I would have been there. Every Christmas for the last 10 years we have had a carol service outside the Rose 'n' Bowl. They donate hot potatoes and the brass band come and play, but we weren't able to do that last year because we had no lights on the trees and, unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be the same again this year."