TEENAGER Amy Astley wanted to say thank you for all the love she has received from her kindly grandparents - so entered them into a national competition.

Now Maureen, 64, and Jimmy Astley, 67, have been shortlisted for Age Concern's Grandparent of the Year Award after becoming the North West regional winners of the contest.

Maureen and Jimmy, of Green Lane, Blackburn, have been shortlisted for the national award and join eight other regional finalists from across Britain.

The annual competition, now in its fourteenth year, is a celebration of how important grandparents are to family life. It gives grandchildren the chance to say thank you for all the love and support they receive from their grandparents.

Amy, 16, nominated her grandparents because of the wonderful support they have given her and her sister, Holly.

The couple cared for the girls following the death of their mother when they were young and it was not long before they decided to adopt the girls so they would always know they would be looked after.

Ten years later and Holly and Amy's grandparents have done everything to create a strong family unit for the girls, including recently taking them on a dream holiday to Florida.

Amy said: "My grandparents stayed strong, not just for us but for our whole family, during a very difficult time and when they adopted us they have gave us everything a normal family has.

"Everything I know I have learnt from them and they have taught me the importance of just being myself. I am so grateful for everything they've done for us."

Maureen said: "We never expected to be providing the role of parents at our age but we take it each day at time.

"Luckily the girls are very good and a pleasure to be with, I love being a grandparent and I love the girls."

Age Concern is rolling out the red carpet for Maureen, Jimmy and Amy at an all-expenses-paid award ceremony in central London next month.

They will also enjoy an overnight stay at a London hotel. A very special celebrity guest will present the winning Grandparent of the Year with a prize worth up to £2,000.

Gordon Lishman, director general of Age Concern England, said: "We hear so many stories about fantastic grandparents.

"All of our finalists have inspired their grandchildren with their love and support. This award offers the opportunity for everyone to celebrate how much they treasure their grandparents.

"Maureen and Jimmy have been chosen from hundreds of heart-warming stories and it is clear that they make their grandchildren feel like winners everyday so it wonderful that they are having their turn in the spotlight."