CUBAN authorities have told the British Government that they will launch a full investigation into the death of the Leigh mother-of-four who was killed in a rickshaw accident on the last day of her dream holiday.

The family of Gillian Owens, 45, have struggled to obtain full details of the accident between the rickshaw and a car in the famous holiday resort of Varadero.

But the Journal understands that the Foreign Office will be pressing the Cuban authorities for a full examination into the circumstances of the accident on August 6.

A Foreign Office spokeman would not comment on individual cases but did admit that an investigation was likely after the death of a British national.

He added that there had been no reports of similar incidents on the island but, in advice to travellers, warned that driving standards in Cuba are 'variable.'

Mrs Owens' funeral will take place on Friday in the peaceful setting of a woodland cemetery.

Following a service at Christ Church, Pennington, Mrs Owens will be laid to rest in the Woodlands Cemetery at Mosley Common.

Mrs Owens had fulfilled one of her ambitions by swimming with dolphins along with husband Tony and 12-year-old daughter Georgia on the final day of their holiday.

But as the three were taking that rickshaw back to their five-star hotel, it collided with a car.

Mrs Owens, who grew up in Archer Street, Leigh -- where her parents George and Olive Waterworth live -- is thought to have died shortly after the accident. Husband Tony, 55, suffered severe facial injuries and was in a coma for a while. He has since regained consciousness and has flown home for treatment at Fazackerley Hospital, Liverpool.

Georgia suffered severe burns to her legs, feet and back and was flown back to England on the next available flight. She is recovering in Manchester's Booth Hall Children's Hospital.

Mrs Owen's son Leon flew out to Cuba to collect his mother's body and accompany it home for the funeral. Mr and Mrs Owens have another child, Amber.

Formerly of St Helens Road, Leigh, Mrs Owens and her family had recently moved to Winwick where the family run a successful music equipment supplies business from home.

They had been enjoying a two-week break on the Caribbean island and spent their first week enjoying a music festival in Havana, followed by a week on the coast.

Mrs Owens' family paid tribute to a loving mother and wonderful person.

Her elder brother David Waterworth said: "We are devastated. It is just beyond words.

"Gillian was a fantastic person, generous to a fault with her friends and family. She had a great sense of humour and was full of life. She was a caring mother who would, and did, do anything for her children."

Her sister Catherine McCulloch added: "Gillian's main interest was her family. She was much-loved and popular with all who knew her. She will be greatly missed."

Mr Waterworth said: "The biggest frustration at the moment is finding out information and a lot more questions need to be asked. We just need to know the full facts of how this has happened."

Younger brother John Waterworth said: "Georgia's bravery throughout this whole ordeal has kept the family strong. She is an inspiration."