REVELLERS watched in shock as a man was stabbed during a fight in Burnley town centre.

Bouncers who had tried to break up the dispute outside BB Eleven in Hargreaves Street at 11pm on Saturday held two men until police arrived.

The victim, named as Gary Kenyon and thought to be in his early 20s, was stabbed in his chest and was taken to Blackpool Victoria Hospital, where his condition today was described as "poorly but stable".

Two men arrested by police were bailed last night pending forensic examination of their clothing.

The area was cordoned off by police for five hours after the incident, which one bouncer from BB Eleven described as the worst he had seen in 10 years as a doorman.

He said: "I went over to the lad who had been stabbed and lifted up his shirt. There was a wound the size of a five pence piece and blood was pouring from it like a tap.

"I pulled off his shirt and pressed it against the wound."

A bouncer from nearby Pharaohs, trained in first aid, looked after the victim with the help of a female passer-by, who was a nurse, until paramedics arrived on the scene.

The doorman from BB Eleven, who asked not to be named, said: "Door staff from all the venues nearby pulled together to control the situation until the police arrived."

Detectives have appealed for witnesses to the incident, which occurred at a busy time of night.

Several people have already contacted them with information but they believe there may be others who saw something and have not yet come forward.

Detective Inspector Dermott Horrigan said: "This was a particularly vicious attack and we are anxious to speak to anyone who was in Hargreaves Street at the time of this disturbance who may have seen any part of the incident.

"These two men may have been involved in violent incidents earlier in the evening.

"If anyone was involved in or witnessed such a violent altercation we would like to hear from them."

Anyone with information should call Burnley police on 01282 425001.