A MOTHER gave undercover police the number of a drug dealer who the officers later made a test purchase from.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Wendy Parsons had her 10-year-old son with her when she produced a "little black book" to provide the number requested.

But defence solicitor Jonathan Jackson said Parsons had thought she was talking to a friend and said her link with drug dealing was "extremely tenuous".

Parsons, 26, of Woodvale, Darwen, had previously been convicted in her absence of being concerned in the supply of heroin. She pleaded guilty to handling a stolen cheque and was bailed until September 9 for the preparation of pre-sentence reports.

Claire Fanning, prosecuting, said the drugs offence was part of Operation Nimrod, during which undercover officers had targeted known dealers.

The handling offence related to a cheque which had been stolen from their car.

A car being driven by Parsons was stopped for a routine check and officers found a cheque made out to her for £180.

Mr Jackson said the link to drug dealing was tenuous. "All she has done is pass on a phone number to someone who, as far as she was concerned, having been duped by the officers, is a mutual friend," said Mr Jackson.