ROSSENDALE Council has been urged to consider the introduction of probationary tenancies for council homes to ensure that people already living in municipal housing don't end up with new "neighbours from hell."

The idea has come from Rossendale and Darwen MP Janet Anderson who is concerned about problems of anti-social behaviour in the borough.

The idea of putting new council tenants on probation for three to six months was put to her by local beat officer PC Chris Adams.

It is already done in several London boroughs, including Lewisham and in other areas of the country.

Mrs Anderson has now appealed to Rossendale Council to consider the introduction of such tenancies which would not become permanent if the new residents cause problems such as noise nuisance or drunken behaviour.

Mrs Anderson is also concerned at recent problems being caused by some council tenants in Hall Carr.

She has passed on her ideas to local councillor June Forshaw who has expressed concerns about these problems.

Mrs Anderson said: "I have written to Rossendale Borough Council to ask if they will consider introducing probationary tenancies for council tenants.

"I have made this request following conversations with local police officers and constituents about the problems of anti-social behaviour caused by a small minority of tenants who make life intolerable for the law-abiding citizens in our valley.

"Many other local authorities insist on a 'probationary tenancy' for a period of three or six months. If we had this in Rossendale it would mean that the council could impose certain conditions on new tenants which, if broken, would results in the tenancy being terminated.

" am in no doubt that this problem of anti-social behaviour and juvenile nuisance is one of the biggest problems we face in the area and nationally."