WONDERKID boxer Amir Khan left his family ecstatic with a spectacular Olympic win to set up a quarter-final bout on Tuesday night..

Twenty relatives of the 17-year-old British medal hopeful crowded into the family's home in Heaton to watch his devastating victory over Bulgarian Dimitar Stilianov on Friday.

As the talented teenager took to the ring, his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents crowded round the television to cheer on Amir.

An air of excitement took over as the bout began, with Amir evenly matched in the first round against the European champion, who is almost twice his age.

The family clapped and cheered as he went two points into the lead, with cheers of "Yes" and "Come on, Amir," as the teenager increased the gap.

His mother, Falak, looked on proudly as commentators said her son "boxed like a veteran," and described his performance as "extraordinary".

The third round saw Amir go eight points ahead of his opponent in an amazing display of accuracy, to rousing cheers from his family.

The excitement in the household reached fever pitch as Amir went 15 points ahead of Stilianov with a flurry of blows to cement his win in the fourth and final round.

The room erupted in cheers at the final bell, and tearful relatives rushed to hug an ecstatic Mrs Khan.

The applause intensified as a beaming Amir appeared on-screen, his arms raised aloft in a victorious stance.

After the fight, his mum, aged 39, said: "I'm so proud of my son. He was fantastic. I cannot believe it.

"He rang me the other day and said 'Mum, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Maybe I'll even bring you a gold medal.'

"I knew he would do it. I'm so happy for him. I cannot wait to see him. He has been so confident and we are all behind him."

His younger brother, Haroon, aged 13, who also boxes, said: "Amir was just great. We thought this would be a hard fight for him, but as soon as he came out in the first round, we knew he was going to do it.

"I expect him to end up in the final, and come home with a medal, whether it's gold or silver.

"I can't wait to fly out there and get to see him. I'm so proud and really want to follow in his footsteps."

Cousin Rabia Ghafoor said that Amir was the talk of the family, adding: "He'll be the next Prince Naseem Hamed if he carries on like this."

After the fight, Amir told interviewers: "I used the same tactics, and he just couldn't keep up with me."

His dad, Shah, appeared on television sporting a Union flag waistcoat, and told viewers: "I can see that Amir will get a medal."

Haroon and his uncle, Javed Dad, will fly to Athens join Amir on Monday, with the rest of the family, including Mrs Khan, flying out later in the week.