THERE was a happy ending for Bury College star student Steven Garry who had given up on doing a law degree, despite getting four As.

Steven had wanted to study at an established university, but was turned down by a string of top institutions earlier this year.

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After obtaining his top set of results last Thursday (Aug 19), the 18-year-old found that there were no suitable places left through clearing.

Resigned to following an alternative career path to his dream of becoming a barrister, Steven opted to do a course in politics at Lancaster University.

His luck changed when tutors there decided his grades were so good that they would have to make extra room.

Steven, from Heywood, said: "There was nowhere nearby that offered the sort of law course that I wanted.

"I just decided to have a look at what else was available and try a different career route, although it would have taken a lot longer.

"The university had said they were full, but my grades were so high they said they would find an extra place.

"I feel brilliant. Absolutely overjoyed."