I AM going to meet my MP Gordon Prentice at the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Campaigns and Advocacy Network's annual lobby of Parliament, the 'Westminster Fly-In" and I want to take other readers' opinions with me to the meeting.

I am collecting different experiencesfrom other local people about breast cancer services in Pendle so I can then tell Mr Prentice about local issues and get him to campaign for improvements to services.

Some breast cancer services are excellent, but it's important that we campaign to improve things where they are not so good. If you, your sister, mother, father, other relation or close friend has been affected by breast cancer, I would like to know about your experiences.

Do you think that you received good treatment? Did you have to wait longer than you expected for any aspect of your treatment? Was there anything you would like to see done differently in the future?

Although improvements in treatment and screening services mean that more people than ever before are surviving breast cancer, over 40,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the UK. All your opinions are valuable and together we can help to make services better.

If you can help me with any information about local breast cancer services please call on 020 7025 2485 or email alicet@breakthrough.org.uk

MARY BRENNAN, Kelbrook Road, Barnoldswick.