OH dear, oh dear, oh dear! After seeing your front page re: Jackass (LET, August 20) words to describe the absolutely idiotic behaviour fail me.

The only jackasses I can see are those involved in this so-called malarky.

Last week someone wrote about common sense being dead. That surely is appropriate in this case.

What these people have done is carried out vicious, clearly thought-out assaults on other children but will we see anyone prosecuted? Probably not.

They say lunatics should be locked away in asylums. Am I to believe these people are somehow 'normal?' Their actions depict the exact opposite.

These idiots should not ever be allowed to go near a PC again. Yet, I doubt such punishment will be meted out to them.

A slap on the wrists and some encouragement for being 'clever' enough to create the site in the first place is more likely .

Why are these children not the subject of an ASBO for heaven's sake?

Someone the other day was given an ASBO for the ever-so-life-threatening 'crime' of having a hedge that was too big. Then there was an attempt to prosecute a motorist for getting a police officer wet while on duty.

These youngsters clearly went ahead in defiance of any warnings. To blame the television show on this occasion is quite pathetic.

Let the blame lie squarely where it lies: with the parents and children involved.

What on earth is the world coming to?

DUNCAN MacLEOD, Queen Street, Clitheroe.