A RAIDER who attacked pensioners' homes is behind bars for more than three years after a judge slammed him as a danger to the elderly.

The town's Crown Court heard how drug addict Leigh Halford, who also struck at a Burnley church, terrified a 78-year-old woman as she found him trying to break into her house in Skipton in the early hours. He was also spotted running away from sheltered accommodation after trying to help himself to a resident's handbag.

Halford, who has 31 previous convictions for burglary, said he was hoping to have surgery to help beat his drug habit. He was jailed for three years, to be served after the 160 days remaining from a previous sentence.

Sentencing him, Judge Andrew Gilbart, QC, warned Halford he would face longer and longer terms if he did not wean himself off drugs.

The judge continued: "Until that happens you present a real risk of harm to the elderly."

Halford, 33, of Colville Street, Burnley, admitted attempted burglary and burglary allegations.

Richard English, prosecuting, told the court the 78-year-old victim, whose husband was frail and disabled heard a noise and saw a man peeling something from a window frame last August. She was terrified and called police. The defendant was arrested after finger print lifts were taken from the property.