LOCAL heroes who have taken a stand to make Burnley a better place to live are being sought by Burnley Council chiefs.

Civic leaders are looking for people who have helped to make a difference in Burnley so they can nominate them for a national award --- because winners of the contest will be given more cash to help improve their towns.

As part of the national Taking a Stand awards, organisers want nominations for people who have helped the community by tackling anti-social behaviour such as vandalism, fly-tipping and graffiti.

If someone in Burnley has helped make their neighbourhood a safer and more pleasant place to live then they could win funding for further projects to improve their town.

Councillor Linda Gaunton, Burnley Council's executive member for Streetscene -- an anti-social behaviour initiative -- said: "There are individuals and groups in the borough that are willing to take a stand against anti-social behaviour. By doing that they help make their communities safer and better places to live.

"It is often a small minority that spoils it for the majority."

"If community-minded people and groups are willing to take a stand against the anti social minority then their work should be highlighted locally and nationwide."

Ian Potter, the Council's Community Safety Partnership development officer, has already nominated Wendy Graham, chairman of the Athol South Residents' Association, for an award. She has also been nominated by Jo Royle, the enterprise manager at Burnley Enterprise Trust.

Ms Graham, said: "Applying for an alleygating scheme in the area really started the ball rolling and it has gone from there.

"They have really worked for us and because of how pleased we are with them we are now helping the Community Safety Partnership do the same in other areas."

Melva Burton, the council's community safety manager, said: "Wendy has worked tirelessly to bring the residents in her neighbourhood together and make alleygating work."

The overall winner will receive £5,000 and a further 100 winners £1,000 to further fund projects. .

To nominate your local heroes call 0800 085 2980 or visit www.takingastand.org

The deadline for nominations is September 28.