RESIDENTS in Trawden forced to boil tap water before use have been given the all-clear to use the supply as normal.

The move comes after United Utilities asked residents to boil water as a precaution because last week's heavy rainfall caused technical difficulties at the company's water treatment works in Trawden.

On Saturday the supply became discoloured, forcing the company to impose the measures and put leaflets through doors to let people know of the risk.

Since then regular samples have been taken by environmental health officers and United Utilities now says the supply is not contaminated.

However, it is advised that taps are run to ensure fresh water is drawn through the system.

A spokeswoman for United Utilities said: "We have monitored the situation closely and taken regular water samples all of which now show the water is safe to drink without boiling.

"Obviously we are grateful to customers for their co-operation."