HUNDREDS of community groups and voluntary organisations in Hyndburn are being invited to join a forum to help them work together.

The scheme is the brainwave of local groups Hyndburn Community Empowered Network(HyCEN) and the Council for Voluntary Services(CVS).

It is hoped that a forum would give local organisations a way of exchanging information, and working together more effectively.

So far a number of organisations in the area have expressed interest in the plans, and more are being invited to help.

Chris Fish, chief officer of the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley CVS, said: "There are a just over a hundred voluntary organisations working in Hyndburn at the moment and about 300 community groups as well.

"It's quite a vibrant sector and this is just having another way for people to get together and have a voice to actually make a difference in Hyndburn."

The news comes just weeks before the opening of a new voluntary centre in Accrington town centre, set to give local groups a meeting place and resources.

The idea of a forum is based on a similar scheme which has been successful in the Ribble Valley.

The idea is to have quarterly meetings of the forum, where representatives from local groups can meet up.

The forum will be open to any voluntary groups involved in delivering a service in the area, for instance Age Concern.

But community groups are being invited to take part too.

Local organisations who have an active role in the community will be able to meet up with similar, like-minded groups, and pass ideas on.

Any organisation, workers or trustees who would like to become involved should call HyCEN on 01254 232426.

They will then be added to a mailing list.