A LARGE part of the Sudell area of Darwen, which includes 800 houses, will soon get an image makeover as part of the council's Clean Start project.

The Olive Lane area, which has long been plagued by fly-tipping and rubbish, will be the first to benefit from the blitz on litter.

The anti-litter project aimed at getting residents involved in tidying up their community is expected to begin within the next few weeks.

The project can include up to 800 dwellings.

The border suggested starts at the Prince of Wales pub, along Olive Lane, and includes Hazel Avenue - which is one of the worst affected areas - Perry Street, Sudell Road, Tythebarn Street and Richmond Terrace.

Coun Roy Davies, who pushed for the scheme to come to Darwen after it was tried out in Blackburn, said: "It will be well monitored by the council as far as waste and recycling is concerned.

"It's great we are finally getting it.

"There's a lot going to be happening in the Olive Lane area and there are exciting times ahead.

"Hopefully it will lift the area and people should be shouting about what is good around here."