TENANTS living in a clearance area today claimed they were forgotten when a meeting was called to discuss the future of their homes.

Residents in the Redearth Street area of Darwen are fighting proposals to demolish their house as part of the multi-million pound Elevate scheme, aimed at reviving East Lancashire housing.

And tonight's meeting at Derwent Hall was called by Blackburn with Darwen Council leader, Kate Hollern, to reassure those fearing the communities will be lost.

But Christine Oldfield, 43, of Redearth Road, claimed that as a tenant rather than a home owner she was not invited.

Two councillors also said they were not invited - despite residents asking them to speak on their behalf.

Council officials said it will now send letters asking tenants to the meeting after being told of the omissions, but nobody was available to comment.

Darwen MP, Janet Anderson, met with Coun Hollern to highlight the concern among residents over what would happen in the regeneration plans.

But places at the gathering had been limited "to people affected by" the proposals so those involved would get their say.

Christine, a mum-of-two, has lived at the property for three years. She said: "My future is in the balance and it is a very worrying time for me.

"I know this area and have lived here for three years. The children are safe and happy.

"But when I rang the council to ask to go to the meeting to stay in the know they said the letter would have been sent to the landlord.

"I agree that it is his concern in terms of money but it is also my home that I am potentially losing. I think it's disgusting."

Mr Anderson, who has already criticised the handling of the Elevate project, will join residents and local councillors at the meeting.

And Coun Roy Davies today said both he and fellow Sudell councillor Paul Browne would be there, despite not being invited.

He said: "Residents who may not feel they want to speak out in front of all those people have come to Paul and myself and asked us to speak on their behalf. But unfortunately we have not been invited.

"This scheme is not knocking houses down it is knocking a community down.

"It's also absolutely ridiculous that some tenants haven't received letters."