HE'S already a party conference veteran and has met Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott.

And at the age of six, George Danczuk is well on his way up the political ladder.

Now the politics-mad Darwen lad is to visit Brussels -- the home of the European Council.

While other youngsters were out on their bicycles or playing football, George, of Percival Street, Darwen, was wandering round the Labour Party's regional conference in Liverpool.

He won two free tickets for the trip in a prize draw atthe event.

And the Avondale Primary School pupil now seems to be following in the footsteps of his father, former Darwen councillor Simon Danczuk.

Despite his tender years, George is an avid political conference goer having attended Labour's annual conference in Blackpool, their spring conferences in Cardiff and Manchester, and two North West Labour conferences.

He even had the opportunity to meet Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott at the Manchester conference and got a signed photograph.

Darwen MP Janet Anderson has also met the youngster and praised his interest and enthusiasm.

She said: "I got John Prescott to sign one of the photographs of them for George and he took into school and gave a talk about John.

"If George was a little bit older he would certainly be keeping me on my toes. I'm sure he has a great political future but luckily by that time I will be long gone anyway. He's a lovely lad."

Dad Simon is a member of the Labour Party's North West Regional Board and was a councillor for Earcroft ward for seven years. He said: "I'm obviously delighted he won the tickets especially since I'm going with him. George is keen on politics and goes to the conferences with me. They all have exhibition stands so he goes round to them all and usually collects all the free mugs and pens."

Gary Arthurs, regional director of Britain in Europe, which ran the competition, said such an interest at an early age should be encouraged.

He said: "George is just clearly a very enthusiastic and bright young lad. I know Simon but didn't know it was his son until he won.

"But anyone who takes an interest in the world, especially at such a young age, has got to be encouraged."

George said: "I'm really made up with winning these tickets, I've never been to Brussels so I'm looking forward to seeing what it's like. At the moment my favourite European countries are Denmark and France but I'm keen to see what Brussels is like.

"My mum and dad have been arguing about who should take me but I've decided on my dad because he pays my weekly spending money."