A WORKER has undergone plastic surgery after a works accident left him with three partially-amputated fingers.

The Health and Safety Executive has launched an investigation after the man, who has not been identified, was injured while working at Ledatec, Longshaw Industrial Park, Highfield Road, on Monday night.

It is thought the man, who is in his 30s, caught his fingers in an industrial roller.

"Fire crews worked to free him for around an hour and he was taken to Blackburn Infirmary.

A spokesman for Ledatec said: "The Health and Safety Executive was informed immediately on Monday night, and again the following morning.

"All the paperwork has been completed. They are fully aware of the incident."

The man was eventually transferred to Royal Preston Hospital for plastic surgery.

The spokesman said: "We haven't heard much back from the hospital.

"They were still progressing with ascertaining his injuries."

Today a spokesman for the Health and Safety Executive confirmed the investigation was taking place.