A FAMILY of black African refugees who were housed next door to a former British National Party councillor have left home, it was revealed today.

The Ruzive family escaped the tyranny of Zimbabwe to find they were living next door Robin Evans in Ballantrae Road, Shadsworth, Blackburn.

Today, housing company Twin Valley Homes said it believed the family had left because of the attention their case had attracted.

One member of staff at the house said: "I've heard there were TV crews trying to film through the letterbox."

Local Blackburn with Darwen councillor Tony Humphrys said Twin Valley must shoulder some responsibility as housing the family next to a former BNP councillor was bound to cause a furore.

He added: "You'd think they'd have realised the difficulties this family would face being housed there."

Idah and Lawrence Ruzive fled the house with their seven-year-old daughter on Friday, taking personal property and leaving neighbours uncertain whether they would return. A team from Twin Valley were yesterday moving mattresses, furniture and carpets from the house and fixing metal shutters over doors and windows.

Last week, the company said the family had chosen to live in the house as part of its B-with-us lettings scheme and it did not give out details of neighbours. Mr Evans quit the BNP to form the new British Nationalist Socialist Party before losing his seat on Blackburn with Darwen Council earlier this year.

The 39-year-old, who decorates his home in Union flags, said: "If they weren't asylum seekers I'm annoyed they've been pushed out.

"If they were asylum seekers I suppose I'm glad they've gone. There should be a Robin Evans in every street.

"If they were asylum seekers I wouldn't have been happy but I wouldn't have been going round smashing windows and shouting about it."

Twin Valley chief executive Phil Richards said: "It has become apparent the family have now left their home. To protect our property we have put up protective screens and we have removed the family's furniture to our store for safekeeping for when they return."

The Ruzive family declined to comment.