COUNCILLOR Pearson (LET, August 13) seems to have a very poor grasp of the laws imposed on judges when sentencing prisoners convicted of murder.

They are obliged to pass a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment and then nominate a minimum term that the prisoner must serve before he can be considered for parole.

The term they must give is a minimum one and does not mean that the prisoner will be automatically 'released' at the end of that term.

As regards the release of people serving life sentences, this is determined by a panel set up by the Home Secretary.

If the panel, having satisfied themselves that the prisoner shows true remorse and is no longer a threat to society, it may recommend that he is released on licence.

If after his release he commits a further crime he can be sent back to prison automatically.

So, Councillor Pearson, judges are not out of touch. Although he is not incarcerated the prisoner is still serving a life sentence.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.