A YOUNG dad who caused a commotion outside his partner's home threatened to put her "six feet under ", a court was told.

Burnley magistrates heard how Jason Walter Hartley, 33, who had been banging on the woman's door, then helped himself to her next-door neighbour's security camera.

He told the neighbour, 'I'm coming back for you,' after spotting her at her bedroom window.

Hartley, of Bristol Street, Burnley, admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and theft.

The defendant, who has 10 previous convictions, was given a 12-month conditional discharge, with £54.75 compensation and £50 costs.

The court was told Hartley was drunk and shouting and swearing. The neighbour told him to leave but the defendant then banged on her window and stuck a V sign up at her. Police were called after he took the camera and Hartley was later arrested at home.

Basil Dearing, defending, said Hartley shared custody of his daughter with the child's mother. He had a few pints and went round to her house.

At some point during the evening, the defendant suffered chest pains and had to go to Burnley General Hospital.

The solicitor went on: "From thereon his recollection is non-existent."