YOUNG mum Kelly Bowers has her hands full with young twins.

But the 20-year-old from Warwick Street, Leigh is hoping housing chiefs will help give her and her baby daughters Ellyse and Jayda a helping hand with their first steps on the ladder of life.

Kelly's mum, Sharon Jolley, looked after her daughter at her home in Lilford Street after Kelly had a difficult time during pregnancy and childbirth. The twins were born by Caesarean section five weeks premature.

Sharon said: "She had a life threatening liver complaint, became severely anaemic and was poorly for months after.

"She lived with me for thee months after coming out of hospital and we thought Wigan and Leigh Housing agreed that she shouldn't return to an upstairs flat with twins.

"But she has had to go back because she would be in danger of losing her tenancy and now the housing people have said there is no guarantee she will be offered somewhere more suitable.

"The twin pram is too wide to get up the path let alone upstairs and as it weighs 55 pounds Sharon isn't well enough too carry it upstairs. She weighs under 6 stones.

"She has to leave the pram and one baby outside while she runs upstairs with the other.

"She has already fallen down four steps while carrying one of the babies and bruised her ribs. But it could have been much more serious."

Kelly, who has lived at her Warwick Street flat since November 2001, said: "I would take any property offered to me that was more suitable for me bringing-up the twins."

A council spokesman said: "Wigan and Leigh Housing are aware of Kelly's dilemma and that she does have circumstances that need attention. She is on the list for transfer to a house. The case is being treated as a priority but the demand for housing outstrips the supply in the borough. She is on the list and as soon as she reaches the top she will be given a house. We can't queue jump."