THE danger of playing close to railway lines is being hammered home to youngsters and parents after frightening scenes at Atherton.

Horrified ex-Mayor Cllr Audrey Bennett from Abram highlighted her concern to Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority's Transport Network Committee after seeing children engaged in a terrifying track-side pursuit as she travelled by train on the Hag Fold section of the Wigan-Manchester line.

She said: "It's extremely worrying to see children around train tracks. We have to keep trying to get the message through that this is such a dangerous thing to be doing - and I'd urge parents to help reinforce the message.

"This is not an issue that we can simply turn a blind eye to - ultimately, children's lives are at stake."

Committee chairman Councillor Alan Whitehead backed her call to press the message home: "We need to get the message across that railway lines are no place for children to be playing.

"This is an issue that sometimes isn't taken as seriously as it should be. Aside from the fact that being on railway land is trespassing and can result in a fine of up to £1,000, every year there are children killed or injured as a result of this dangerous pastime.

"Rail industry staff and British Transport Police officers regularly visit schools in order to try to educate children about the dangers of playing on the tracks - and the Authority fully supports the work they are doing to raise awareness."

Peter Holden, British Transport Police Chief Inspector for Manchester, added: "We deal with thousands of trespass offences each year and many of these lead to other offences of vandalism, which can have potentially fatal consequences for the trespasser or other persons using the railway.

"Many offenders are children, some of whom access the track through holes created by adults taking short-cuts. I urge parents to take a keen interest in what their children are getting up to when playing away from home and stress the importance of them reinforcing the railway safety message within the home."

Health and Safety Executive figures indicate that five children under 16 were killed and many more injured on railway lines in the UK during 2002/2003.

Information for children, parents and teachers can be found at a rail industry website specifically designed to tackle issues of crime and public safety, at:

If you witness children on or near railway lines British Transport Police urge you to contact them on 0800 40 50 40.

Information about anyone who may have committed a crime on the railway can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Damage to trackside safety fencing can be reported to Network Rail, via their national helpline on 08457 11 41 41.