A TEENAGER was dragged unconscious from his blazing home by firefighters.

His mum, dad and three-year-old brother alerted firefighters on a mobile phone and were rescued after throwing front door keys from a bedroom window.

Michael Williams, who firefighters said was aged about 17, was believed to have gone downstairs in a bid to extinguish a chip pan fire in Queen Street, Darwen, at around 5am.

But he was overcome by the smoke and was found slumped in the kitchen with burns. Firefighters dragged him out after walking the rest of his family to safety.

He was being treated in Blackburn Royal Infirmary this morning for 30 per cent burns, including on his hands and feet.

But he was expected to be transferred later today to Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, to a specialist burns unit.

His mum, dad and brother, who neighbours said were called Mary, Mick and Jamie, were being treated at Blackburn Royal Infirmary for the effects of smoke inhalation.

Assistant Divisional Officer David Bent said: "The crews have saved four lives -- it was that serious.

"There was an awful lot of smoke and there are four people around who wouldn't have been if the crews hadn't carried out the rescue.

"At the moment the cause seems to be a chip pan, but we will be investigating further today. We don't know who put the pan on.

"The family were awoke by a smoke alarm. That is really important as no one is around at that time of night to alert you to a fire.

"If the family hadn't have had the smoke alarm it could have been far more serious.

"We will be going to speak to neighbours today and encouraging people in the area to have smoke alarms fitted."

Jill Loynds, 47, of Queen Street, said: "I know the couple quite well and talk to them in the street quite often.

"They are called Mary and Mick and I know they have a three year-old boy called Jamie and an older son.

"They have lived there for about two years. They seem a nice couple. I hope they are ok.

"I was asleep when I was awoken at about 5am by shouting coming from their front upstairs bedroom window.

"I just saw the fire brigade arrive shortly after but didn't get a chance to check if they were ok.

"I could smell smoke but I couldn't see anything in the house."

There were also two cats and three kittens in the house. Firefighters saved the kittens, but the cats died.