A MAJOR road will reopen for the Bank Holiday weekend after workmen pulled out all the stops to complete a sewer overflow imporovement project.

The major scheme by United Utilities to improve Westleigh Brook has progressed in record time and Wigan Road in Leigh will be open for through traffic weeks earlier than anticipated.

The £250,000 project has improved a sewer overflow and most of the work has been carried out in six weeks over the holiday period to minimise disruption to local schools.

United Utilities project manager Steven Wong said: "This has been a tremendous effort by everyone involved - particular thanks go to our

contractors KMI Water.

"I'm very grateful to residents and traders for their patience while the work has progressed."

Sewer overflows act as 'safety valves' on the wastewater network -- helping prevent flooding by providing an outlet for the excess water that drains off roofs and roadways during heavy rainfall.

The improvements mean that new screens will prevent sewage-related litter escaping into Westleigh Brook when the overflow operates in storm


Originally the work was predicted to take 12 weeks to complete, which would have resulted in Wigan Road remaining closed until October 10.

Some small elements of work remain to be completed and have been programmed for the September 6-10, but can be carried out with temporary traffic lights. Norbury Street will remain closed until September 10.