BIG up to the Bank Top boys! Sorry I was back supporting my football team for a moment.

In fact it's better I don't say anything like that because someone's bound to complain.

I see Michael Howard has finally come up with something worth listening to. Has political correctness really taken over our lives or are we just more polite people? I would like to say that the latter is true for most of us but maybe and I hate to say this...he has a point.

The examples are endless. Does Punch and Judy encourage domestic violence? Should school sports days be replaced with group problem-solving exercises?

Apparently a businesswoman was told this year to remove the word "hard-working" from a job advert by the Job Centre because it discriminated against people who were not industrious.

Pig-related fiction was removed from one Yorkshire school because the headteacher thought Muslim youngsters might feel a bit uncomfortable. What about the three pigs story and that wolf who couldn't blow down the brick house? I love that story. It taught me so much about life and stuff...I learnt never to build anything with straw and wood.

I think in most of these cases (apart from the Punch and Judy one) people are making decisions with the best of intentions but is it really necessary?

With regards to Punch and Judy, I think I'm going to have to start a campaign to get those two characters back on TV. They should have their own two-hour weekly show and beat the hell out of one another.

As long as Judy gives as good as she gets I won't be complaining. In fact, Judy should be given a chain saw.

It is getting a bit ridiculous at times. So much so that I got offended when a friend of mine said he felt aggrieved at seeing bacon butties on the menu at a dinner he was invited to.

'Just eat the prawn sandwich instead' was my reply.

Rather than getting embroiled in irrelevant things that might seem offensive wouldn't it be wiser to get down to the real issues of what causes offence and what doesn't?

A bit of education on religion and culture wouldn't go amiss.

Okay. I understand certain words and phrases are offensive... like Paki. No question. You use that you're asking for trouble.

However, I can call someone a Paki but someone who isn't Asian can't.

Maybe we should stop using the word ourselves then. That would certainly set the standard.

It's much like the word Punjabi word 'Gora' which translates as 'White'. It is used within the community but is it offensive I wonder?

I think it would be if the non-Punjabi speaker knew what it meant.

So there you have it and anyone wanting to write in should do so.

But if you don't get a reply please don't get offended - I am too lazy.