IN response to your article about the family of Zimbabwean people living next to Robin Evans (LET, August 19) what must they think of us?

Having experienced first hand the outrageous behaviour of Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF party in intimidating legitimate opposition parties, to have the police come and warn them that they have a member of a fringe political group as a neighbour must smack to them of something other than a free democratic society where we all defend the right of anyone to hold political beliefs whether we agree with them or not.

If the police came to a family to tell them that they had a sex offender living next door to them there would be protests that the offender's rights were being violated, yet an honest hard working man can be intimidated for his political beliefs.

Have the police run out of motorists to annoy? How did they get the information about this family anyway? Isn't the information held by Twin Valley covered by the 'Data Protection Act' to ensure confidentiality?

JOHN CRAMSIE, Downham Street, Blackburn.