THREE members of staff are to be made redundant at the Manchester Jewish Youth Project in Prestwich.

The Project, situated in Bury Old Road, was launched in 1994 and has received two Lottery grants in 1998 and 2001.

The organisation, which provides practical help and advice for local young Jewish people, cannot make a third application and has been unable to secure significant alternative funding.

Chairman Peter Broude said: "Unfortunately, the only option open to us is to make three members of staff redundant. This is particularly difficult in view of the quality of the staff involved and the commitment they have shown."

At present, The Project employs three full time staff and two part time staff.

When the funding runs out on August 31, the organisation will lose two full time members of staff and one part time employee.

Despite the redundancies, The Project has vowed to continue its work with the Jewish community and is confident that new funding will be found.

Director Sharon Bannister, who has been with The Project since 1995, said: "We have had contact with over 500 Jewish young people supporting them through programmes and activities on issues such as bullying, alcohol and drug misuse and stress.

"The importance of Jewish youth work has never been greater and this was borne out in the findings in our research survey Through New Eyes. I am therefore determined that The Project will continue to respond to the needs of the Jewish young people of Manchester."