THE mother of the tallest soldier in Britain today spoke of her pride after learning he is to guard the Queen.

Yvonne Sherwood's son, Martyn Walters, 21, from Todmorden, stands at seven feet three inches tall and makes imposing protection for the Queen, who he has been assigned to protect as part of the 1st Battalion Irish Guards.

Yvonne, 41, formerly of Burnley Road but now living in the West Midlands, has told how the former Todmorden High School pupil is even taller -- at nine feet tall -- when wearing his bearskin.

She said: "I could not be prouder that he is going to be guarding the Queen.

"Martyn has always been a popular lad. With his height, he does create a lot of attention when he is out and about. People stop and stare because they just can't believe how tall he is.

"I can just imagine how funny it will look when he guards the Queen because she is only 5ft 4ins."

Yvonne said she couldn't understand how Martyn grew so tall as both his parents and two brothers and sister are all under 6ft. Martyn has made good friends with the Irish Guards' shortest soldier, 5ft 2ins Matthew Else. Martyn goes on his first guard duty next week.