MANCHESTER City Council are being very devious about selling-off land situated in Heaton Park.

This land was given to the people of Manchester by Lord Wilton back in 1902 on the strict condition that Manchester City Council would pay for the upkeep of the park, and that no significant changes would take place without public agreement. In addition, any decisions on its future as a park would be determined by the people of Manchester and not the council.

The land deeds confirming these conditions will probably be buried somewhere in the town hall archives, that is if they haven't already been destroyed by an over-zealous council seemingly intent on selling every piece of public land to private developers against the wishes of the electorate.

It would be interesting if the council were to try and prove me wrong by making the deeds available for public examination and to highlight just where it states that they have the right to sell land to other councils and developers indeed, where it says that they own the land at all.

