BURY Council has signed up to a campaign to drive down the number of false insurance claims made against local authorities.

Latest figures have revealed that 615 claims for tripping up on pavements and roads were made against Bury Council last year.

The campaign, among Greater Manchester authorities, will be officially launched on Monday, September 6. Bury Council is spelling out its own role and support for the anti-fraud campaign which also involves the Audit Commission.

Insurance bosses suspect some people may be making multiple claims for the same accident either in different locations or different parts of the region.

But now, when a claim is made, the details will be passed to the Audit Commission so that staff there can cross-check claims to ensure that duplicate claims are not being made.

Solicitors, claims agents and individuals making claims will be informed by letter that these checks are being made. Details of claims will remain confidential under the Data Protection Act.

Councillor Wayne Campbell, Bury Council's deputy leader and executive member for resource, said: "This could save local councils thousands of pounds. If money is paid out again and again to the same person this is an unnecessary drain on public funds, which results in poorer quality or reduced levels of service for local people. It also causes delays in processing genuine claims."

The council is stressing that every claim will be considered on its merits so in genuine cases people have no need to worry about the new system of cross-checks.

Anyone who has details of fraudulent claims being made against the council can report their concerns to an information line on 0161 253 5018. All information will be treated in complete confidence.

Mike Owen, the council's director of finance and e-Government, commented: "This campaign will be a useful supplement to the other work we carry out to counter fraud. The council is always on the lookout for fraud using a variety of other means to back up the Audit Commission's work and we vigorously defend all claims."