WHITEFIELD Horticultural Society members have paid tribute to their champion chrysanthemum grower John Middleton.

Mr Middleton (70) died in Bury Hospice after being diagnosed with cancer and his funeral was held last Friday (Aug 20), the day before the society's 90th annual summer show on Saturday.

A member of the society for 36 years, Mr Middleton was the secretary for 20 years and was responsible for organising the annual shows and competitions.

He was particularly well known for his chrysanthemums, which he grew on his allotment and used to sell in aid of Prestwich Hospital.

Mr Middleton, of Sunny Bank Road, Unsworth, was also renowned for his trips to the Royal Horticultural Society's National Show at Westminster, where he once won a first prize after competing with national growers.

Mr Middleton was also a member and former secretary of the North Western Counties Chrysanthemum Society and League and last year he joined forces with Bury Council to submit the borough's first ever entry to the Royal Horticultural Society's Tatton Show.

The team won a bronze medal for their entry after Mr Middleton grew all the blooms in his greenhouse, and he went on to help create a community greenhouse at St Michael's RC Primary School in Whitefield to encourage budding young horticulturists.

Mr Middleton will also be remembered for encouraging society members to purchase homegrown goods from the society shop, which was first on the Nipper Lane allotment, and then moved to Whitefield Methodist Church hall, in Elms Street, on a Saturday morning.

Mrs Barbara Cox, wife of the horticultural society's president, Mr Clifford Cox and long-standing friend of Mr Middleton, said: "John was an enthusiastic chrysanthemum grower. In fact, when you thought of chrysanthemums, the name John Middleton came to mind.

"He was enthusiastic, with many innovative ideas. John will be sadly missed by the society, but the recent summer show, the day after John's funeral, went ahead just as he would have wished. It was a show which was seen by many as a special tribute to a special man."

Mr Middleton, a member or Besses United Reformed Church, leaves a wife, Cecily, a daughter, Christine and two granddaughters.