PATIENCE is a quality martial arts champion Armapal Singh has in abundance.

For Armapal from Crawford Avenue, Tyldesley seemed a cert for this year's Olympic Games but complications surrounding immigration procedure meant he missed out on selection and has been forced to sit back and watch.

But the man who originates from Delhi in India has some consolation for the frustration he has experienced during the current Olympics.

He's just back from Mexico where he beat a former Olympic gold medallist 2-0 in the final of the heavyweight class at the Cancun Open Taekwondo Championship.

And Armapal, who competes in the over 84kilos class and weighs in at 92kilos is contemplating dropping a weight division which will mean shedding seven kilos in weight.

He has his sights set on the 2006 Commonwealth games in Australia and the Beijing Olympics in 2008 but who he will represent is uncertain.

Soon he expects to gain Canadian citizenship and he will probably find himself is in the unusual position of representing both Canada and Great Britain in international events.

Armapal smiled and said: "I'm going to compete for Britain and Canada. I want to see who I do best for."

He has a busy schedule ahead with the Atlantic Games next month in Florida and the Pan Pacific Master Games in Australia in November.

Meanwhile he is passing on his martial arts skills to others by teaching at the Eagle Arts Taekwondo club based at Hindley Green.

With 30 students under the Eagle's wing at present Armapal said: "We need to encourage youngsters. Martial arts is also good for girls to defend themselves against attackers."

He holds classes on Tuesdays from 8-9pm and on Saturdays from 11am until noon. More details from Armapal on 07990 708573.