HELP is at hand for deaf and hard of hearing adults in Bury. A lip-reading and communications group has been set up by Diane Taylor who has identified a lack of such help in the borough.

The lip-reading group, based at the Mosses Community Centre in Cecil Street, Bury, is for all people with any kind of hearing problem, and their families.

Diane (52) a mum of two from Prestwich said: "People don't want to feel left out or be laughed at just because they have a problem with their hearing.

"They don't want to be humiliated in front of other people, or feel they are a nuisance because they cannot hear conversation properly.

"Deaf and hard of hearing people constantly get snide remarks from the 'hearing world' like 'they are only deaf when it suits them' or when a person with a hearing problem asks what was said, hearing people get annoyed and say 'oh, never mind. It doesn't matter' and walk away."

She continued: "Many deaf and hard of hearing have to bluff their way through constantly. It is an every day occurrence and a never ending battle for them."

The lip-reading group offers the chance for deaf and hard of hearing people to learn how to make the most of what to do in certain situations, learn the different speech movements and lip patterns, and how speech looks on the lips.

"More importantly," said Diane, "they will make new friends in a warm and caring atmosphere where no-one is ever left out."

The classes begin on September 6 . Anyone interested in joining the group can call Diane on 0161 798 7943 or visit the website at