A BUSINESSMAN who claimed a car-parking attendant falsified a parking ticket in a personal vendetta against him took his case to an appeal hearing this week.

Mr Robert Gregory, of Royds Street, Tottington, told the hearing that a penalty charge notice was issued at a time when his vehicle, which could not be driven more than "100 yards", was parked on his driveway. But the penalty charge notice stated that the car was parked illegally in White Street, Bury, near Elton Electrics.

The ticket was issued by Mr Steve Zajac, of Colville Drive, who maintained he had issued the ticket on November 10 last year after seeing the van parked on double yellow lines.

However, Mr Gregory claimed the penalty charge notice was issued because Mr Zajac was unhappy with work carried out by Mr Gregory at his house.

Mr Zajac, who has been a parking attendant for 18 months, denied Mr Gregory had ever been to his house.

But Mr Gregory's description of inside the house and Mr Zajac's wife led to Mr John Sherry, who compiled a report on behalf of NCP, to say that there was no "other explanation" as to how Mr Gregory would have the information without actually being there. He added that the description Mr Gregory gave of Mr Zajac's wife was not a "million miles away from what she looked like".

Adjudicator Mr Stephen Knapp said that although it was possible that the van could have been parked near Elton Electrics, he also questioned how Mr Gregory knew personal details about Mr Zajac if he had not been at his house.

Mr Knapp said he would send both parties a written decision after considering the evidence.