THERE were highs and lows for teenagers across the borough on Thursday.

Early indications show that more pupils than ever are expected to gain five A* to C grades in their GCSE examinations.

Reports and results round-up will appear here

At least 58 per cent of Elton High pupils had done just that, with record results expected as the final figures were checked. Head Neil Scruton said: "We're absolutely delighted with an outstanding set of results that are anticipated to be a record performance for the school."

Of the exams taken at Broad Oak High, 99 per cent were passed at grades A to G. The school, a specialist sports college, was also celebrating a 44 per cent A* to pass rate in PE.

Staff at St Gabriel's RC High were pleased with their success, with two pupils gaining nine A* grades. Head Eddie Robinson said: "We are delighted with the results. It is a testament to the hard work of pupils."

At Bury CE High, a 19 per cent rate for A and A* grades equalled the school's best ever result, while 67 per cent of pupils achieved grades of A* to C. Head Phil Grady said: "Overall these are a good set of results but we know we can do evenbetter.

At Woodhey High, an impressive 63 per cent of pupils had achieved five or more A* to C grades, while at Tottington High that figure was 64 per cent.

At Derby High, nine students in Year 11 gained between 7 and 11 GCSEs at A or A*. One student, 16-year-old Khadejja Siddiqui, scored one of the top five marks in the country in English literature.

At Bury Grammar, all of the girls entered gained five or more A* to C grades. Sixteen-year-olds Laura Spencer and Alisha Chacko gained one of the top five marks with their exam board for geography.

At the boys school, almost every pupil managed to get seven A* to C grades. Head Keith Richards said: "The students are now very well placed for A-level work and the majority will be back to study in September."

Borough-wide, the number of pupils gaining five or more A* to C grades is estimated to be up by between one and two per cent on last year's 53 per cent statistic for Bury.

Lifelong learning Coun Maggie Gibb said: "This performance will again be at or slightly above the national average on less than average funding, and will maintain Bury's high performing national position."