EVEN Amir Khan himself was surprised at the speed in which he disposed of Tuesday night's opponent Baik Jong-Sub of Korea to clinch at least an Olympic bronze medal.

The Bury ABC lightweight studiously watches his opponents on video before each fight and though he had an idea he'd be the victor, expected the fight to go longer than the first round.

"I knew I could beat him because he has slow hands but I didn't expect to do it so quickly," he said.

"I feel the pressure is off me now. I have a medal in my pocket and should be more relaxed for the rest of the tournament and that could help me box even better.

"I'm confident I can get to the final but I'm not look any further than the semi-final at the moment.

"It's just great to be here at all, it's a great honour to be representing Great Britain at my age."

And as for the reigning champion Mario Kindelan. . .

"I've not thought much about him yet, I've another contest before reaching the final and that needs to be won."

Amir's viewpoint