A TEENAGE nuisance - nicknamed the Pied Piper because of his unruly influence on other youngsters - has had a temporary order banning him from a large part of Darwen town centre extended.

Lee Taylor, 18, of Hacking Street, has been made subject to an interim Anti-Social Behaviour Order, which includes 11 restrictions, pending a full hearing in September.

Hyndburn magistrates heard the order was due to lapse yesterday and were asked to agree to an extension until Wednesday, September 15.

There were no changes made to the restrictions, which prevent him from causing harassment, alarm or distress, inciting any person, damaging or stealing property or associating in a group of more than four people in an area of Darwen bounded by Vale Street, Tockholes Road, Blackburn Road and Duckworth Street, Sunnyhurst Lane and Earnsdale Road.

He must also not be drunk or under the influence of drugs.